YANG Sha-sha1, JIANG Xiao-kun2, LU Yu-gui3
1. Business School of Guilin Tourism College, Guilin 541006, China; 2. School of Economics, Guangxi Minzu University, Nanning 530006, China; 3. College of Economy and Trade, Guangxi Vocational Normal University, Nanning 530007, China
Abstract:The deep integration of digitization and basic public services can effectively break through administrative and social boundaries, expand the reach of high-quality basic public service resources, and contribute to achieving equitable provision of basic public services.Taking Chinese urban agglomerations as the research object, this study explains the intrinsic mechanism of the integration of digitization and basic public services based on symbiosis theory. It utilizes entropy method, coupling coordination model, Dagum Gini coefficient, and traditional and spatial Markov chain transition probability matrices to examine the spatiotemporal dynamics of this integration.The goal is to provide important references for promoting the integration of digitization and basic public services in urban agglomerations and achieving both digital service provision and the digitization of services.The study found that: 1) The integration levels of digitization and basic public services in Chinese urban agglomerations have shown a steady upward trend. 2) The integration levels within urban agglomerations are spatially uneven, with higher levels observed in central cities of urban agglomerations and cities located in the eastern coastal areas and the Yangtze River Economic Belt.Inter-group differences are the main source of overall disparities, with most urban agglomerations showing fluctuating decreases or stable internal differences. 3) Cities with higher integration levels exhibit stronger stability, while cities with lower levels show significant latecomer advantages.
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